Other Artists and Groups
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Other artists and groups whom I connect with
- Harbury Theatre Group (https://www.harburytheatregroup.com/)
For as long as I can remember I’ve been going to the theatre. As children we were taken to see shows regularly – from the big London shows to amateur theatre group productions. I grew up in a very creative environment – both my parents are artistic. My father is a musician and when I was little, I used to lie in his guitar case while he played! My mum loves creativity – she’s my greatest critic!
Since my childhood I’ve loved being in the spotlight and I recently joined an amazing theatre group in my village – my first performance was playing the part of the cook in our production of The Affairs at Meddler’s Top. I was the first person with a disability to join the theatre group and it has become apparent that the stage needs to be adapted for people who use a wheelchair. Even so, the group has made me feel very welcome and has done their best to accommodate me.
- Stratford Horse Riding for the Disabled (https://www.rda-stratford.org.uk/)
I am proud to be a member of Stratford RDA – horse riding is a hugely important part of my life.
Every Monday morning, I get up early to go horse riding with a group for people with all kinds of disability – it’s both physically and mentally stimulating. It invigorates me and makes me feel non-disabled and is the highlight of my week.
One of our past members is Max Stainton-Parfitt who climbed Mount Everest on horse back. See his Youtube video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSbTgauMpeE
- Kenilworth group for people with physical disabilities ( Kenilworthphab.wordpress.com)
- Painting for Pleasure – a local art group, If you like tea and biscuits you’ll fit in well! (painting4pleasure.org.uk)
- Christopher Samuel – a great friend and fellow artist who has muscular dystrophy (christophersamuel.co.uk). I met Christopher at college when we were both students. When I met him, he’d never drawn a picture and was studying to become a counsellor.